Konstantinos Lampropoulos is a Non-resident fellow in Strategy and International Security at the Geneva Centre for Security Policy, He is currently the co-Chair of the Athens Hub of the Centre.

He has been a regular speaker at the Delphi Economic Forum for 4 consecutive years, and was the leading spokesman at the Annual Defenseworld 2017 Conference held by the Greek Ministry of Defence. He has drafted the parameters and the prerequisites of the Greek National Security model for the 21st Century at the Centre for Security Studies, the research branch of the Greek Ministry of Citizen’s Protection.

He has been an Associated Fellow of the Geneva Centre for Security Policy, where he was trained at an executive level on emerging security issues as well as on foresight and strategic planning methodologies. He has received an official recommendation by the Geneva Centre for Security Policy in 2014, that was sent to the Greek Government (Prime Minister’s office) to assist in emerging security issues and the strategic planning process.

He was awarded for excellent performance, a Fellowship as part of the Global Fellowship Initiative by the Geneva Centre for Security Policy. His research refers to hybrid warfare in the 21st Century and NATO potential responses.

He has served at the Hellenic Centre for European Studies, the former research branch of the Greek Ministry of Foreign Affairs as an International Affairs expert with  emphasis on Security Studies, while coordinating the international partnership initiatives of the Centre as well. Hence, he has played a leading role in the creation of the Research Consortium for Sino-European and Greek-Asian Studies.

He is currently leading the planning process for establishing a research Platform on Grand Strategy with various stakeholders, including the Geneva Centre for Security Policy. The Platform plans to offer insights on Grand strategy theory, strategic leadership, strategic planning methodologies and emerging security issues, bridging theory to practice.

Konstantinos Lampropoulos has been selected, prior joining the NISC Course at Geneva, to participate in executive seminars held at the European University Institute in Florence about the future of European Security and the future security dynamics of East Asia, focusing on the Chinese regional security strategy in particular.

Furthermore, he was selected by NATO’s Public Diplomacy Division as one of the 7 Greek policymakers to attend a workshop at NATO in Brussels, regarding “Smart Defense” in November 2013.

During his time at the Hellenic Centre for European Studies, he contributed to a policy-oriented chapter the Centre’s Policy Volume sent to the Greek Ministry of Foreign Affairs.  His chapter was about the prospects of Greece’s bilateral relations with Israel.

Konstantinos Lampropoulos has written extensively on NATO, the US National Security Strategies of the current and previous US Administrations as well as on National Security Reform in Greece and abroad.

Since March 2017, he has been writing policy-oriented articles on international security and foreign policy issues to leading Greek Newspapers such as “Kathimerini, “Ta Nea” and  the e-policy platform of the Greek website Liberal.

Konstantinos Lampropoulos’ interdisciplinary PhD, held at the Ionian University Department of History, refers to the US Grand Strategy in the Mediterranean during the Second World War.

He has obtained his postgraduate degree (MA) in War Studies, at the School of Public Policy, the Department of War Studies, at King’s College London, University of London. He has also studied International History in the department of History at Ionian University and Journalism at the Department of Journalism and Media of the National Kapodistrian University of Athens.