Meeting with the Ambassador of Romania

On Tuesday October 4th, the Chairmen of the Organizing Committee of the Balkans & Black Sea Forum, Mr. Giannis Balakakis and Ambassador (a.h.) Mr. Michael B. Christides welcomed at the Forum’s premises the Ambassador of Romania, H.E. Ms. Adriana Octavia CIAMBA

The meeting took place in view of the 4th edition of the Balkans & Black Sea Forum to be held in Athens on 5-6 December 2022. The two sides had a constructive exchange of views concerning the high-level participation of Romania to this year’s Forum, which is organized at a time of tumultuous geopolitical, economic, and power-shifting challenges influencing the global scene and the socioeconomic equilibrium of many regions.

(L): Mr. Giannis Balakakis – (C):   Ambassador of Romania, H.E. Ms. Adriana Octavia CIAMBA – (R): Ambassador (a.h.) Mr. Michael B. Christides