In a single Forum, 42 actors will be shaping Balkans & Black Sea region entrepreneurial future: challenges & opportunities

On May 25th & 26th in Serres, Greece, the Balkans & Black Sea Cooperation Forum unfolds 42 international actors who will be shaping the entrepreneurial near-future of the Balkans & Black Sea region by bringing forward the geopolitical importance, recognizing challenges and identifying opportunities for untapped business and trading.

In plenary sessions, on May 25th Forum will provide outlook on
EU, Balkans & Black Sea Perspectives and SDGs towards 2030
Roads of Energy “electricity & gas inter-connectivity”
Digital Economy & Innovation “controlling the double-edged sword”
Women in Leadership
Agriculture, Environment & Use of sources

Whilst on May 26th the focus will be on
Maritime, Transportation, Infrastructures & Hubs
Cultural & Sustainable Tourism “a key to sustainable development”
followed by a Forum declaration

Top international Business Executives & Top Institutional, NGOs, Academics will be representing


TAP AGHellenic Petroleum

Nederlandse Gasunie N.V.

Consolidated Constructors Company

The CocaCola Company

Compo Expert Group

Arkas Shipping Holding

BKM Interbank Card Center

Realitatea TV

Fentury Finance Advisors

Wind Hellas

and more

Black Sea Trade and Development BankEuropean Banking Federation

Conference of Peripheral Maritime Regions

Clingendael Institute of International Relations

EU Commission Directorates

Albanian Association of Banks


IEDC Bled School of Management

Galati Association for Sustainable Development

EU Research Center Istanbul

Geo Routes Cultural Institute

and more

Interactive panel discussions, audience engagement and participation, economic diplomacy through networking and substantive outcomes aiming at creating a new generation of entrepreneurship in the wider region (New York Times International, Kathimerini EN Edition)


Don’t miss to attend the Balkans & Black Sea Cooperation Forum 2017, and do enjoy the ultimate hospitality organized for you in Serres. Registrations include admission to Forum sessions, two luncheons, participation to the official dinner and the traditional farewell dinner, and a half-day excursion to “explore and experience” the land of Alexander the Great, Serres.


  • Secure your participation today, registering here
  • See the A-Z list of speakers here or the Agenda here
  • Read the Delegates Important Information here



Looking forward to welcoming you in Serres!
The Organizing Committee
Balkans & Black Sea Cooperation Forum 2017