Official Presentation to the Accredited Diplomatic Missions in Greece
Balkans & Black Sea Cooperation Forum official presentation to the Accredited Diplomatic Missions and Organizations in Greece has been concluded on Tuesday March 28th 2017 at King George Hotel in Athens.
The presentation was attended by 45 Diplomatic Missions that have been represented by 60 Diplomats (15 at Ambassadors’ level).
The Presentation was delivered by:
a) Mr. Ioannis Moisiadis
Governor | Regional Unit of Serres
Member Steering Committee | Balkans & Black Sea Cooperation Forum
b) Mrs. Siwarde J SAP
Senior Advisor Economic Affairs | Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands
Member Steering Committee | Balkans & Black Sea Cooperation Forum
c) Mr. Giannis Balakakis
President | Geo Routes Cultural Institute
Chair Organizing Committee | Balkans & Black Sea Cooperation Forum
Giannis Balakakis has provided technical information on the Forum including the Aim, the Scope, the Agenda & Speakers, the Deliverables, as well the Hosting City, the Honorary Countries and the process of candidacies about a country will be hosting the Forum on 2018.
The day was concluded with a networking Cocktail Reception, courtesy of King George Hotel
About the Balkans & Black Sea Cooperation Forum:
The Balkans & Black Sea Cooperation Forum© aims at highlighting cross‐border cooperation, enhancing bilateral and multilateral relations, strengthening business opportunities and promoting economic growth and sustainable development among the states of the Balkans and Black Sea region. At the cross section of public & business sectors, the Forum stands as a think-tank to outline the current situation, quote political indicators, navigate to growth and cooperation and monitor perspectives and SDGs towards 2030.
Rotating annually in a different country of the region, Forum is addressed to Senior Officials from the EU, the Balkans and the Black Sea Bodies & Institutions, International Organizations, Public Officials, Diplomats, Businesses, Entrepreneurs and Academia, whilst providing a Business HUB and a Cultural Zone to promote the tourist & cultural identity of two Honorary Countries.