Enrico is currently Head of Unit for VET at FONDAZIONE CENTRO PRODUTTIVITA’, a consultancy and training organization based in Vicenza (IT). His fields of expertise and professional experiences range from skills development for employability, VET quality assurance and assessment, validation of non-formal and informal learning, work-based learning.
As part of his current position, he is actively involved as senior advisor in the management of several regional and EU-funded projects mainly related to provision of support for active labor market policies implementation.
During his career, he has taken an active interest in international VET activities coordinating international learning mobility projects, providing advice and support to many schools networks in establishing successful mobility partnerships also involving ECVET practice and principles.
He is member of various working groups at regional and EU level including the ECVET Users’ Group for Eurochambres and the network of the Province of Vicenza on school-work alternance.
Within his scope on work and competences, he has been writing papers, coordinating groups and delivering presentations, as invited speaker, to national and international audiences.
Skills development for working world 4.0 and the role of VET mobility
We are dealing with the trasnformation of VET provision due to the ongoing digitization of the work processes and how it will affect the jobs of the future. We are treating it both for IVET and CVET. One of the main constraints for our companies in embracing key enabling techolonigies is the current skills of the staff that don’t match the needs of the new rapidly changing technologcal environemnt. Skills are one of the main precursors of change. I saw that there’s already a speaker on the topic so to avoid overlapping I will concentrate on the soft skills needed and the way the incoming mass mobility in VET will help coping with this issue.