Mr. Periklis Drougkas has a professional background evolved through four decades of high performance career to senior-level executive positions in International Financial Institutions.
He has participated in Banking Sector M&A projects in CEE and contributed to the development of the banking sector in Greece and in other European countries through a variety of projects introducing innovative products and services. He has also actively participated in the modernization of the banking legislation and policies.
Mr. Drougkas is the Chairman of the Albanian Association of Banks, President of the Hellenic Business Association of Albania and member of the Greek Chamber of Economists. He graduated from the University of Economics and Business in Athens and speaks Greek, English and Italian.
The Albanian Banking System
• The need: Albania has the ambition to reduce the dependency and associated costs of a cash-economy, modernize its banking system and increase the level of financial inclusion through digital economy.
• The barriers: Legislation, fiscal policy, pricing policies, financial literacy
• The threats: The cyber-crime and mitigated security strategies