Delegates practical information
Α) Forum’s format
- The “Executive Roundtable” is under the Chatham rule, emphasizing the openness of discussion and holding debates of a sensitive nature or on controversial topics
- BBSF Chatham rule means that no information should be shared, nor the identity of who said what may be revealed publicly by the participants of the meeting
- The meeting is by invitation only and closed to the public and the media. Livestreaming is not supported
B) Sessions’ basics
- Forum is held in Greek language with simultaneous translation from/to English
- Chapters include 50-mins dialogue and Q&A session between the panels and the audience
- Delegates are encouraged to be interactive during the QA session
- In due course, brief conclusions from the meeting will be shared with the guests
C) The Venue
- The “Executive Roundtable” is held on the 6th floor of the Athenian Club, El.Venizelou 11, Athens 10564
- At the entrance you should give your name for proceeding to the Registration desk on the 6th floor (opens at 09h30am)
- Dress code: business attire, with tie for gentlemen
- Sitting setup: cabaret. The venue is smoking-free
- Delegates should show-up on time in order to settle comfortably to the tables designated by the organizers
- Persons who were not invited to the meeting, they are not granted access to the venue
D) Other useful information
- Organizers reserve the right to amend the program and they are not responsible for: a) unforeseen circumstances (force-majeure) that may affect the Forum’s planning or realization; b) the absence of confirmed speakers due to personal reasons; c) for statements made orally or in written by speakers or delegates during the Forum, nor for any disclosure or release of such statements
- Throughout the event, participants accept, consent & authorize the organizers for free photo shooting
- Delegates are encouraged to connect and interact with the BBSF social media Facebook ◊ LinkedIn◊ Twitter ◊ YouTube
Contact person:
Ms. Christina Mangou, V.P. Comm. & External Relations, Geo Routes Institute
E-mail : christina.mangou@geo-routes.com
- Website: Balkans & Black Sea Forum
- Online agenda & speakers: Balkans & Black Sea Forum | Executive Roundtable 2023