Speakers (A-Z)


Mr. Giannis Balakakis

Chair Executive Committee, Balkans & Black Sea Forum

H.E. Mr. Yerlan Baudarbek-Kozhatayev

Ambassador of Kazakhstan

H.E. Ms. Lidija Boshkovska

Ambassador of North Macedonia

Mr. Hendrik Bosshammer

Project Manager SEE, Organisation for Economic Cooperation & Development (OECD)

H.E. Ms. Lajla Brandt Jakhelln

Ambassador of the Kingdom of Norway to Greece & Cyprus

Ambassador (a.h.) Michael B. Christides

Co-Chair Executive Committee, BBSF

Mr. Thanos Dokos

National Security Advisor to the Prime Minister

Professor Spyridon Flogaitis

Director, European Public Law Organization

Mr. Konstantinos Fragkogiannis

Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs for Economic Diplomacy & Openness

Mr. Erik Holmgren

Economic Counselor, Embassy of the United States

Ms. Xenia Kaldara

President, Michael Cacoyannis Foundation

H.E. Mr. Noam Katz

Ambassador of Israel

H.E. Mr. Kyriakos Kenevezos

Ambassador of the Republic of Cyprus

Mr. George Kremlis

BoD member, European Public Law Organization

Dr. Yannis Maniatis

Professor Piraeus University, Fm Minister of Environment & Energy

Mr. John Nomikos

Director, European Intelligence Academy

Ms. Christina Papaconstantinou

Deputy Governor, Bank of Greece

H.E. Mr. Valentin Poriazov

Ambassador of the Republic of Bulgaria

Ambassador Dimitrios Rallis

Deputy Secretary General of BSEC PERMIS

H.E. Mr. Sergii Shutenko

Ambassador of Ukraine

H.E. Ms. Lina Skerstonaite

Ambassador of Lithuania

Mr. Costis Stambolis

Executive Director, Institute of Energy for South East Europe

Dr. Michael Thomadakis

Chief Officer Strategy & Development, DESFA SA