Delegates practical information
Α) Participation in the Balkans & Black Sea Forum 2024
- Participation in the BBSF2024 is by invitation and registration only
- Registrations start at 09h30, and close at 10h30
- Access is allowed upon presentation of an ID or passport to the Security staff at the gate of the venue
- Dress code: business attire
B) The Venue
- BBSF2024 takes place at the headquarters of the Piraeus Port Authority, 10, Akti Miaouli str. 18538 Piraeus (Map)
- PPA’s headquarters are located above Cruise Terminal -A- (Gate E). The venue is smoking-free
- At the gate, please give your name and present your ID or passport to the Security staff
- Persons who were not invited to the Forum will not be granted access to the venue
- Delegates should show-up on time in order to settle comfortably at the tables designated by the organizers
- Sitting setup: cabaret. At the registration desk, please expect to be provided the number of your table.
- Parking: closest parking station (10 mins walk from the venue), is Polispark, 1-6 Melina Mercouri 18536 Piraeus (Map)
C) Sessions’ basics
- The Forum is held in English with no interpretation from/to other languages
- Chapters include 30-mins dialogue and Q&A session between the panels and the audience
- Delegates are encouraged to be interactive during the QA session
- Brief conclusions and video material will be shared with the guests in due course after the conference
D) Onsite visit at Piraeus Port Authority facilities
- Upon conclusion of the Forum, an organized visit to Piraeus Port Authority facilities will follow
- Onsite visit duration: 1 hour (see description)
- Participants may be only guests who have confirmed attendance upon registration
E) Other useful information
- Organizers reserve the right to amend the program and they are not responsible for: a) unforeseen circumstances (force-majeure) that may affect the Forum’s planning or realization; b) the absence of confirmed speakers due to personal reasons; c) for statements made orally or in written by speakers or delegates during the Forum, nor for any disclosure or release of such statements
- Throughout the event, participants accept, consent & authorize the organizers for free photo shooting, video and sound recording
- Delegates are encouraged to connect and interact with the BBSF social media Facebook ◊ LinkedIn ◊ Twitter ◊ YouTube
Contact person:
Ms. Christina Mangou, V.P. Comm. & External Relations, Geo Routes Institute
E-mail : christina.mangou@geo-routes.com
Website: Balkans & Black Sea Forum
Online agenda & speakers: Balkans & Black Sea Forum 2024