Mr. Hendrik Bosshammer is an Economist and a Project Manager in the South East Europe Division of the OECD’s Global Relations and Cooperation Directorate. He currently leads the Division’s work in support of fair market conditions for competitiveness in South East Europe. In recent years, Hendrik Bosshammer has worked in a number of thematic areas to improve economic, social and environmental well-being in OECD and partner countries in different world regions alike. Prior to joining the OECD, Hendrik Bosshammer was a Project Manager for McKinsey & Company on projects in Europe, Asia and Africa. He holds a PhD in Economics from the European Business School, Wiesbaden, and a Master’s Degree in International Business Administration from Università Luigi Bocconi, Milan, Akademia Leona Koźmińskiego, Warsaw, and European Business School, Wiesbaden.