Post summer Save the Dates, ABF Thessaly reversal

Dear Colleagues & friends

With the hope that most likely you enjoyed the summer holidays and gained power for the remaining 2002, please allow us to inform you on what happened and what is on schedule in the last quarter of 2022. 


Upcoming events

A) The 5th International AgriBusiness Forum 2022 (Athens, 15-16/11/2022)

It is held in Athens-Greece highlighting “Food Safety, Security and Resilience ahead uncertainties”; featuring high caliber sessions, 32 focal areas and 35 renowned speakers from Greece & abroad. It will accommodate 300 delegates representing leading businesses, financial services, farmers, cooperatives, policymakers, research and academia. Language is Greek with simultaneous translation to English. Real-time livestreaming will be provided.

Why attend? Agrifood sector, a 7.8 trillion USD industry, employing 30% of the global workforce, being responsible for 25% of greenhouse gas emissions, how can feed 9.3 billion people in 2050?  How plastics pollution at seas will outweigh all aquatic & fish systems? How the rise in the prices of agricultural inputs, high energy costs, ESGs, radical climatic and environmental changes, extreme weather conditions and the war between Ukraine and Russia will be impacting food security?  Are we experiencing the beginning of the collapse of the current global food order?

website: (ABF2022 site coming soon)


B) The 4ο international Balkans & Black Sea Forum 2022 (Athens, 5-6/12/2022)

It will be held in Athens under highlighting «The Eurasian nexus post 2022: high-stakes arena in security, trade and investments»; featuring high caliber sessions, 30 focal areas and 33 renowned speakers from Greece & abroad. It will be held in English and will accommodate 300 delegates from leading businesses, policymakers, diplomats, research and academia.

Why attend? BBSF2022 is held at a time of numerous geopolitical, economic and power-shifting challenges that influence the global scene and endanger the social and economic equilibrium of regions. In a world of uncertainty and constant disruption, it the aspires to pave the way for a sincere, coherent and constructive exchange of views and dialogue, needed today more than ever before.



C) The 2nd regional “AgriBusiness Thessaly Forum

As the acclaimed success of AgriBusiness Thessaly 2021 has been disruptive for the interests of some locals in power, they preferred missing the event instead of supporting the conference’s organization being announced 6-months ago. In order to safeguard its leading reputation, AgriBusiness Forum decided to cancel and replace this conference with another which will be announced soon.


Past events

D) 1st regional “AgriBusiness Peloponnese Forum” 3-4/6/2022

AgriBusiness Peloponnese took place in Olympia-Greece (Aldemar Resort) highlighting “Peloponnese AgriFood Systems 4.0”; featuring 7 high caliber sessions, 24 focal areas and 30 speakers. Its steering partners have been the University of Patras, the Region of Western Greece and Pyrgos Municipality.

Explore insights’ here:  websitespeakersRecap videospeakers presentations


Thank you for your continuous interest in Geo Routes Institute NPO, planner of special journeys and events of cultural, environmental and educational character under the auspices of the Hellenic National Commission for UNESCO; and owner of the leading international conferences Balkans & Black Sea Forum and AgriBusiness Forum.

BBSF Why Matter

Why does our work matter

  • Forward-looking platform

  • Factual international perspective

  • Substantial content

  • Cross-sectoral agenda

  • Networking with international public and business sectors

  • Agenda powered by international scientific partners

  • Investing in economic & intercultural relations

  • Helping to shape the future of a challenging region

  • Bridging differences and utilizing capacity-building opportunities

  • High-level conference proceedings

  • Engagement of international organizations

BBSF Why attend

Why attend

  • “Sharpen-the-saw” and gain new contacts

  • Boost corporate outreach and networking opportunities

  • Establish connections with leading business- & policy-makers

  • Listen to insights from prominent speakers and influencers

  • Participate in spirited debates and constructive dialogue

  • Gain cross-sectoral knowledge on economics, geopolitics, trade, institutional affairs and rule-of-law

  • Be part of the leading international event focusing on the Balkan/Black Sea regions

BBSF The Organizer

The Organizer

Geo Routes Institute is a nonprofit & nongovernmental organization that plans & develops cultural heritage journeys and events which held under the auspices of the Hellenic National Commission for UNESCO.

Geo Routes Institute highlights the legends of Greece, facilitates intercultural dialogue, and contributes to the sustainable development of local societies through cultural, environmental, and educational activities. In 2013, during the 37th General Assembly of UNESCO, Geo Routes was accredited as “best practice” in the framework of UNESCO’s “Culture-Tourism-Development” program.

Geo Routes Institute is the owner of the leading international conferences:  Balkans & Black Sea Forum &  AgriBusiness Forum

 More information:

BBSF Sponsorship opportunities

Sponsorship Opportunities

The Balkans & Black Sea Forum offers a flexible sponsorship program comprising numerous opportunities for boosting your corporate outreach during its precious events.

Why sponsor?

  • Speaker / panelist opportunities

  • Interviews to media

  • Private meetings with other speakers / participants

  • Exhibition space

  • Social media campaigns

  • Complimentary invitations or corporate table(s)

  • Extensive branding and corporate outreach

  • New contacts through meaningful networking

  • Preferential insight on important economy, business, institutional affairs and rule of law

  • First class speakers on challenges & opportunities for the region and beyond

  • “Sharpen the saw”, meet experts and influencers face-to-face

  • Participation in vigorous dialogues and debates

BBSF Our Mission

Our Mission

The strategic and sensitive Balkans and Black Sea region require a multi-level approach in order to enhance mutual understanding and deepen the economic relations & cross-border cooperation among states.

At the crossroads of Europe, the Middle East, North Africa and Central Asia, this European “neighborhood” is in the center of gravity concerning new investments and the exercise of geopolitical influence by the world’s superpowers; all the above at a time of significant regional and global changes.

Bringing the public and private sectors together, the BBSF aims to identify, strengthen & promote economic relations, business opportunities and sustainable growth across the Balkans, the Black Sea region and beyond.

The Balkans & Black Sea Forum is here to stay and will continue offering a refreshingly new way to debate international and regional issues, thus serving as a trustworthy channel for expanding your network of economic acquaintances and of “doing business”- partners.

BBSF Past Events

Past Events

Balkans & Black Sea Forum 2024

Executive Roundtable 2023

Balkans & Black Sea Forum 2022

BBSF 2018

Balkans & Black Sea Forum 2018

BBSF 2017

Balkans & Black Sea Forum 2017

BBSF 2017

China ``Belt & Road`` Symposium 2017

BBSF 2017

Diplomatic Symposium 2017

Meeting with the Ambassador of China

In view of the 4th edition of the Balkans & Black Sea Forum to be held in Athens on 5-6 December 2022, Mr. Giannis Balakakis, Chair of the Organizing Committee of the Balkans & Black Sea Forum 2022 was received earlier today at the premises of the Embassy by the Ambassador of the People’s Republic of China, H.E. Mr. Xiao Junzheng.

The two sides had a constructive exchange of views concerning the high-level participation of China to the Balkans & Black Sea Forum 2022, which is organized at a time of tumultuous geopolitical, economic, and power-shifting challenges influencing the global scene and the socioeconomic equilibrium of many regions.

BBSF Personal Data Policy

Personal Data Policy

Transparency is among the Balkans & Black Sea Forum (herein after BBSF) priorities. Balkans & Black Sea Forum herewith wishes to clearly explain on how it collects and processes your personal data about protecting your privacy upon using BBSF products, services and website(s).

BBSF is to the ownership and jurisdiction of Geo Routes Institute based in Athens-Greece (8 Vasileos Irakliou str. 10682) which only collects, uses, and processes your personal information in accordance with actual data protection legislation. This includes but not limited to, EU Regulation 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of April 27, 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regards to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation) and applicable national data protection legislation.

Your personal data are usually obtained directly from you. In this case, you provide your personal data on a voluntary basis. Specific cases of non-disclosure of personal data may affect the ability of BBSF to properly provide services, or properly perform contractual obligations. BBSF acts on behalf of its subscribers and other clients in the capacity of a data controller.


BBSF processes your personal data as needed for the following purposes:

  1. Provision of services, including the delivery of digital content (legal basis: processing all necessary for contractual performance or for the implementation of measures taken before a contract is concluded);
  2. Processing payments, including maintenance of payments, together with payment processors (legal basis: processing necessary for contractual performance);
  3. Marketing activities, including the delivery of personalized content, targeting of advertising or the sending of newsletters (legal basis: legitimate interest);
  4. Determination and enforcement of BBSF ‘s legal claims (legal basis: legitimate interest);
  5. Compliance with legislation: If necessary, ABF will ask you for permission to process your personal data.



Using the services provided by BBSF may require the following data:

  1. Name, surname, job title, company and industry;
  2. Address, telephone number, mobile number and email;
  3. Payment details (payment card information);
  4. Your preferences and opinions on products and services;
  5. Your browsing activity on our websites.



All data that we receive is obtained directly or indirectly from you when you choose to use our services. This includes the following situations:

  1. When you subscribe to our newsletter;
  2. When you pay for or use our services;
  3. When you register to our events;
  4. When you browse our website;
  5. When you share content from our website;
  6. When you interact with us via social media platforms.



In order to provide you with the services you request, your personal data may be provided to:

  1. Selected employees of BBSF;
  2. Service providers: those ensuring provision of the services provided by BBSF, in particular software services providers, marketing providers, customer service providers, and distributors of marketing and other materials such as newsletters, including employees of such entities;
  3. Tax advisors, professional advisors (e.g. auditors, lawyers), including employees of such entities;
  4. Entities providing payment services;
  5. Social media providers – using the services of BBSF together with a social network may require BBSF to share your personal data with social media providers.



We do not track or collect any sensitive information about you. This includes race, religion, ethnicity and political opinion.



We keep your data for the period of time necessary to fulfil the purposes of processing as defined above; however, this data will be erased, when you stop interacting with BBSF (i.e. after delivery of a particular service, unless BBSF has a legitimate interest in keeping the personal data longer (for example to protecting BBSF’s legal claims). This would be the case if BBSF had a legal obligation to keep your data for a longer period of time (eg. applicable accounting rules), or in cases where applicable law obliges us to keep such records for a longer period.



We store electronic and in some cases physical copies of your personal data. In accordance with best practices, we maintain security safeguards that protect your data. We strictly limit who is allowed to access the information and we keep this number to a minimum. In addition, we maintain physical and cyber safeguards, server protection devices and software to minimize possible loss, misuse, or alteration of your data.

Your personal data may be stored and processed in countries where BBSF carries out business or where its service providers are located. These countries may apply different privacy rules than the European Union, or the European Economic Area (EEA). In this case(s) BBSF puts in place appropriate contractual and other measures to protect your personal data when personal data are transferred to related parties or third parties located in other countries.

In the case of cross-border transmission of data from the EEA to countries where the European Commission recognizes an insufficient level of protection of personal data, the controller ensures that those data recipients are bound by EU standard contractual clauses to protect your personal data.



With regards to regarding your data, you have the following rights:

  1. To request access in order to correct or delete your personal data, as well as to restrict its processing; however, your right to delete or restrict processing is applicable only if BBSF is not required to process it on another legal basis (i.e. compliance with a legal obligation);
  2. To object to the processing of your personal data processed with a legitimate interest, as well as against processing for marketing purposes.


If you wish to exercise your rights above or have any questions regarding the processing of your personal data, please contact us by email at using as subject “inquiry for personal data protection”.

The information that BBSF is required to provide to you regarding the processing of your personal data may change over time or become outdated. For this reason, BBSF reserves the right to modify and change these conditions at any time. These changes will be reflected in this statement, so you should check here regularly.

Balkans & Black Sea Forum

c/o Geo Routes Institute

Athens, April 1, 2023

The above Personal Data Policy applies to all kinds of the Balkans & Black Sea Forum events (in person, hybrid, or virtual)

BBSF About

About the Balkans Black Sea Forum

The Balkans & Black Sea Forum is a pivotal hub for leading business- & policy-makers committed to enhancing stability, growth, and cooperation across the Balkans, Black Sea, and Eurasian regions. Distinguished state- and other actors engage and interact to review challenges, assess implications, identify opportunities, and explore innovative ways for promoting security, sustainable development, and bi/multilateral cooperation.

The Balkans & Black Sea Forum is addressed to leading businesses, policymakers, diplomats, think tanks, research & academia, and holds cooperation with prestigious regional & international organizations.

The countries the Balkans & Black Sea Forum focuses on:

European Union:

  • N/W Europe: Finland, Sweden, Norway
  • CEE: Romania*, Hungary, Poland, Croatia, Lithuania, Slovenia, Slovakia, Czech Republic
  • SEE: Greece*, Cyprus, Bulgaria*

  • Europe (Non-EU Countries): Russia*, Turkey*, Serbia*, Ukraine*, Azerbaijan*, Georgia*, Albania*, Armenia*, Moldova*, North Macedonia*, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Montenegro, Kosovo

*BSEC member states


  • Far East: China
  • Central Asia: Kazakhstan
  • Middle East: Israel


  • The United States of America