BBSF22 Scientific Committee

Scientific Committee

It features international or regional organizations’ executives being responsible for the agenda and the reports of the Forum

Ms. Alia El-Yassir

Regional Director, UN Women Office for Europe & Central Asia


Ms. Merâl Güzel

Partnerships Manager, UN Women Headquarters


Dr. George Pagoulatos

Director General, Hellenic Foundation for European & Foreign Policy


Mr. Costis Stambolis

Executive Director, Institute of Energy for South East Europe


BBSF22Advisory Board

Advisory Board

The Advisory Board is a consultative body to the Steering and the Organizing Committees, focusing on the quality, communication, promotion and prestige of the Forum.



(in alphabetical order)

Steering Committee

Ms. Anita Bathia

Ass. Secretary-General of the United Nations & Dpt. Executive Director of UN Women


Ambassador Lazar Comanescu

Secretary General, Organization of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation


Scientific Commitee

Ms. Alia El-Yassir

Regional Director, UN Women Office for Europe & Central Asia


Ms. Merâl Güzel

Partnerships Manager, UN Women Headquarters


Dr. George Pagoulatos

Director General, Hellenic Foundation for European & Foreign Policy


Mr. Costis Stambolis

Executive Director, Institute of Energy for South East Europe


Organizing Committee

Mr. Giannis Balakakis

Chair Organizing Committee


Ambassador (a.h.) Michael B. Christides

Co-Chair Organizing Committee, Balkans & Black Sea Forum


Ms. Christina Mangou

VP Communications, Geo Routes Institute


Ms. Alexandra Vovolini

Publisher, Economia Group


Working Groups

Mr. Emmanuel Papadogiannis

V.P. Finance, Geo Routes Institute NPO


BBSF22 Sponsorship Opportunities

Sponsorship Opportunities

Balkans & Black Sea Cooperation Forum (BBSF) is a unique channel for partners and sponsors about portraying their mission, deepening outreach – networking opportunities and cross-sectoral cooperation among high profile delegates from international and regional businesses, organizations as well as diplomats and academia.

BBSF flexible sponsorship scheme may provide following opportunities:


Speaker opportunities

Official Partner opportunities

Sponsors’ interview in the media

Private meetings with speakers

Exhibiting space opportunities

Complimentary invitations or corporate table(s)

Listen to first class speakers and influencers

Hi-priority branding and corporate outreach throughout the event

Sharpen the saw, meet experts and influencers face to face, gain new contacts

Extensive networking opportunities with leading business- & policy makers

Participate to vigorous dialogues and debates

Gain insights on near-future economic, business, geopolitics, institutional affairs & rule of law