BBSF24 Agenda


Thursday, 15 February 2024


Meet & greet - Registrations

Participation is by invitation and registration only. Persons not invited or registered to the Forum, will not be granted access to the venue


Welcome remarks

photoMr. Giannis Balakakis

Chair Executive Committee, Balkans & Black Sea Forum

photoAmbassador Xiao Junzheng

Ambassador Extraordinary & Plenipotentiary of the People's Republic of China

photoMr. Nikos Papathanasis

Alternate Minister of Economy & Finance, Hellenic Republic

Chapter 1: Geopolitics, Regional Cooperation and Port hubs in the Mediterranean

In focus: The impact of recent Middle East conflicts on navigation, ports, and trade; regional cooperation and China-CEEC Cooperation; development of the Piraeus Port as a green hub of technology; development of Northern Greece’s ports; China-Greece cooperation in shipping

photoMr. Olivér Várhelyi

Commissioner for Neighborhood & Enlargement, European Commission
video message

photoMr. ΥU Zenggang

Chairman of the Board of Directors, Piraeus Port Authority SA

photoMs. Xiaoxi ΧΙΑ

Counsellor, Secretariat of Cooperation Between China & CEEC, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, People’s Republic of China

photoDr. Angelos Vlachos

BoD Member at Hellenic Ports Association & CEO Port of Kavala SA

photoAmbassador (a.h.) Dimitrios Rallis

Deputy Secretary General, BSEC PERMIS

Coffee break


Chapter 2: New order and trends in regional connectivity

In focus: Current connectivity status & logistic hubs in the Southeast Mediterranean & Black Sea regions; the Belt and Road Initiative: review & prospects; synergies between the BRI and EU’s Global Gateway plan

photoMr. François Davenne

Director General, International Union of Railways

photoDr. Young Tae Kim

Secretary-General, International Transport Forum-OECD

photoDr. Ilias Lekkos

Group Chief Economist & Head of Investment Strategy, Piraeus Bank

photoDr. Jisheng SUN

Vice President, China Foreign Affairs University

photoDr. Renwei HUANG

Executive Director-General, Fudan Institute for Belt & Road and Global Governance

photoAmbassador Bolat Nurgaliyev

Chairman, Foreign Policy Research Institute, MFA of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Middle Corridor - new opportunities for Europe and Asia

photoMr. Hendrik Bosshammer

Project Manager SEE, Organization for Economic Cooperation & Development (OECD)

Closing remarks

photoAmbassador (a.h.) Michael B. Christides

Co-Chair Executive Committee, BBSF

Networking cocktail reception


Onsite visit at the Piraeus Port Authority premises

Please refer to the menu bar: Practical Info - Side Events


End of the conference

Nota Bene

  • Official language is English and participation is by invitation and registration only
  • Topics are indicative and Chapters may be reordered  

BBSF24 Sponsorship Opportunities

Sponsorship Opportunities

Balkans & Black Sea Cooperation Forum (BBSF) is a unique channel for partners and sponsors about portraying their mission, deepening outreach – networking opportunities and cross-sectoral cooperation among high profile delegates from international and regional businesses, organizations as well as diplomats and academia.

BBSF flexible sponsorship scheme may provide following opportunities:


Speaker opportunities

Official Partner opportunities

Sponsors’ interview in the media

Private meetings with speakers

Exhibiting space opportunities

Complimentary invitations or corporate table(s)

Listen to first class speakers and influencers

Hi-priority branding and corporate outreach throughout the event

Sharpen the saw, meet experts and influencers face to face, gain new contacts

Extensive networking opportunities with leading business- & policy makers

Participate to vigorous dialogues and debates

Gain insights on near-future economic, business, geopolitics, institutional affairs & rule of law

BBSF24 The Organiser

Geo Routes Institute

Geo Routes Cultural Institute is owner and official organizer of the Balkans & Black Sea Cooperation Forum. It is expressly stated that the name, identity, content, trademarks and all related with the Balkans & Black Sea Cooperation Forum are to the jurisdiction and exclusive ownership of Geo Routes Cultural Institute.

Geo Routes Cultural Institute is a nonprofit & nongovernmental organization seeking to promote the cultural heritage of Greece, facilitating to the intercultural dialogue and contributing to the development of the local societies through Corporate Social Responsibility programs.

Geo Routes and its subsidiary Aegean Routes experiential journeys, held under the auspices of the Hellenic National Commission for UNESCO, being moreover acclaimed a “best practice” during the 37th General Conference of UNESCO in Paris for its contribution to UNESCO program “Culture-Tourism-Development”.

Nowadays Geo Routes sets platform about planning, developing and executing -through appointed operators and resellers- cultural heritage journeys and events of cultural, environmental and educational character in Greece and abroad.

Geo Routes participates in global fora about consulting for rural development, contributing to the design of cultural heritage interest routes, elaborating rebranding destinations, provided to protect tangible and intangible cultural heritage, respect local society and the responsible management of environmental resources.

More information:

BBSF24 Side Events

Side Events

Onsite visit at Piraeus Port Authority facilities

  • Upon conclusion of the Forum, an organized private visit to Piraeus Port Authority facilities will follow
  • Delegates will visit the Cruise Terminal and the Ferry Terminal of the Port; being the busiest passenger port in Europe serving annually more than 15 million passengers; and among the largest cruise terminals in the Mediterranean serving around 1,5 million cruise passengers per year.
  • Tour will be held by motorcoaches.
  • Visit duration: 1 hour
  • Participants can be only guests who have confirmed attendance upon registration


BBSF24 Why Attend

Why Attend

Sharpen the saw and gain new contacts

Boost your corporate outreach

Explore meaningful networking opportunities with leading business- & policy makers

Listen to first class speakers and influencers

Be part of vigorous dialogues and debates

Gain insights on near-future economic, business, geopolitics, institutional affairs & rule of law

BBSF24 Delegates Practical Information

Delegates practical information



Α) Participation in the Balkans & Black Sea Forum 2024

  1. Participation in the BBSF2024 is by invitation and registration only
  2. Registrations start at 09h30, and close at 10h30
  3. Access is allowed upon presentation of an ID or passport to the Security staff at the gate of the venue
  4. Dress code: business attire


B) The Venue

  1. BBSF2024 takes place at the headquarters of the Piraeus Port Authority, 10, Akti Miaouli str. 18538 Piraeus (Map)
  2. PPA’s headquarters are located above Cruise Terminal -A- (Gate E). The venue is smoking-free
  3. At the gate, please give your name and present your ID or passport to the Security staff
  4. Persons who were not invited to the Forum will not be granted access to the venue
  5. Delegates should show-up on time in order to settle comfortably at the tables designated by the organizers
  6. Sitting setup: cabaret. At the registration desk, please expect to be provided the number of your table.
  7. Parking: closest parking station (10 mins walk from the venue), is Polispark, 1-6 Melina Mercouri 18536 Piraeus (Map)


C) Sessions’ basics

  1. The Forum is held in English with no interpretation from/to other languages
  2. Chapters include 30-mins dialogue and Q&A session between the panels and the audience
  3. Delegates are encouraged to be interactive during the QA session
  4. Brief conclusions and video material will be shared with the guests in due course after the conference 


D) Onsite visit at Piraeus Port Authority facilities

  1. Upon conclusion of the Forum, an organized visit to Piraeus Port Authority facilities will follow
  2. Onsite visit duration: 1 hour (see description)
  3. Participants may be only guests who have confirmed attendance upon registration


E) Other useful information

  1. Organizers reserve the right to amend the program and they are not responsible for: a) unforeseen circumstances (force-majeure) that may affect the Forum’s planning or realization; b) the absence of confirmed speakers due to personal reasons; c) for statements made orally or in written by speakers or delegates during the Forum, nor for any disclosure or release of such statements
  2. Throughout the event, participants accept, consent & authorize the organizers for free photo shooting, video and sound recording
  3. Delegates are encouraged to connect and interact with the BBSF social media Facebook ◊ LinkedIn ◊ Twitter ◊ YouTube


Contact person:

Ms. Christina Mangou, V.P. Comm. & External Relations, Geo Routes Institute

E-mail :

 Website: Balkans & Black Sea Forum

 Online agenda & speakers: Balkans & Black Sea Forum 2024

BBSF24 Why Does Our Work Matter

Why Does Our Work Matter

Why does our work matter?


We act free of politics, economic dependencies and hidden agendas

We foster improving stability, growth and cooperation across Central-SouthEastern Europe

We deliver a forward thinking and content driven multidisciplinary Agenda

We host leading business- & policy makers to convey substantial messages to the audience

We focus on deepening networking opportunities,

We integrate partnerships and cross-sectoral cooperation

We have multidimensional audience of businesses, diplomats, academia and the public sector

We encourage dialogues and debates throughout the conference

We fuel content by international and regional bodies and organizations

We invest in economic & intercultural relations

We adopt hi-scaling partnerships and conference proceedings

BBSF24 Multimedia Data Policy

Image, Video, Sound Data Policy

Any participant, including speakers, delegates, subcontractors and staff, in order to gain access to the Balkans & Black Sea Forum (here-after BBSF), accept, agree and consent to the following terms and conditions:

  1. BBSF is owned by the nonprofit organization “Geo Routes Institute” (here-after referred to as The Organizer) and lies under the latter’s jurisdiction.
  2. Participants acknowledge, agree and consent that during the forum The Organizer will allow photo coverage as well as video & audio recordings of presentations, for documentation purposes.
  3. Participants grant to The Organizer the right to freely use the aforementioned documentation through its affiliated websites, including – but not limited to – the,,, and through social media channels connected to these websites, as well as to all media and communication partners, bodies, institutions or anyone else related with the BBSF.
  4. The Organizer is committed to handling aforementioned content and data in a professional manner and solely in the context of the BBSF aims. Any disagreement must be submitted – prior to registration – in written form to the following e-mail
  5. BBSF speakers and sponsors are solely responsible for the material presented to the forum, including the right for presenting such material publicly. The Organizer has no responsibility for copyrighted or otherwise protected material presented by any person during the forum without the consent of the creator or rights-holder.
  6. The Organizer may prohibit taking photos and/or making audio and video recordings by participants who have not received accreditation for such purpose. Only photographers / cameramen holding official accreditation are allowed to operate within the venues of the forum and during the latter’s events. Copy of any photographic material and/or audio and video recording created by a rightfully accredited person, shall be supplied to The Organizer.
  7. Unless Participants expressly and in advance deny their consent, The Organizer and his partners may photograph and/or record free of charge the voice and image of Participants, the stands or specific items displayed on them, and may distribute photos and/or recordings to third parties and to communicate them to the public, in the whole world, which may be presented (in particular in the form of live or delayed broadcasting), reproduced without limit as to the number of reproductions and published, in the whole world, in any format, using any method or process known or unknown at this time, in whole or in part, on all tangible or intangible media known or unknown at this time, including, in particular, the internet (the websites of The Organizer and its partners and social networks), and on any other promotional or marketing tool it may use for information or promotional purposes.

In case of disagreement with the above terms, you are kindly requested to refrain from registering to the event.

For any questions or concerns on the Digital Policy  of the BBSF, please revert to:

The above policy applies to all kinds of participation to BBSF events (in person, hybrid or virtual)

BBSF24 Sponsors

Special thanks to all Balkans Black Sea Forum 2024 Partners

Leading Sponsors


In Cooperation
