In a single Forum, 42 actors will be shaping Balkans & Black Sea region entrepreneurial future: challenges & opportunities

On May 25th & 26th in Serres, Greece, the Balkans & Black Sea Cooperation Forum unfolds 42 international actors who will be shaping the entrepreneurial near-future of the Balkans & Black Sea region by bringing forward the geopolitical importance, recognizing challenges and identifying opportunities for untapped business and trading.

In plenary sessions, on May 25th Forum will provide outlook on
EU, Balkans & Black Sea Perspectives and SDGs towards 2030
Roads of Energy “electricity & gas inter-connectivity”
Digital Economy & Innovation “controlling the double-edged sword”
Women in Leadership
Agriculture, Environment & Use of sources

Whilst on May 26th the focus will be on
Maritime, Transportation, Infrastructures & Hubs
Cultural & Sustainable Tourism “a key to sustainable development”
followed by a Forum declaration

Top international Business Executives & Top Institutional, NGOs, Academics will be representing


TAP AGHellenic Petroleum

Nederlandse Gasunie N.V.

Consolidated Constructors Company

The CocaCola Company

Compo Expert Group

Arkas Shipping Holding

BKM Interbank Card Center

Realitatea TV

Fentury Finance Advisors

Wind Hellas

and more

Black Sea Trade and Development BankEuropean Banking Federation

Conference of Peripheral Maritime Regions

Clingendael Institute of International Relations

EU Commission Directorates

Albanian Association of Banks


IEDC Bled School of Management

Galati Association for Sustainable Development

EU Research Center Istanbul

Geo Routes Cultural Institute

and more

Interactive panel discussions, audience engagement and participation, economic diplomacy through networking and substantive outcomes aiming at creating a new generation of entrepreneurship in the wider region (New York Times International, Kathimerini EN Edition)


Don’t miss to attend the Balkans & Black Sea Cooperation Forum 2017, and do enjoy the ultimate hospitality organized for you in Serres. Registrations include admission to Forum sessions, two luncheons, participation to the official dinner and the traditional farewell dinner, and a half-day excursion to “explore and experience” the land of Alexander the Great, Serres.


  • Secure your participation today, registering here
  • See the A-Z list of speakers here or the Agenda here
  • Read the Delegates Important Information here



Looking forward to welcoming you in Serres!
The Organizing Committee
Balkans & Black Sea Cooperation Forum 2017

“Siwarde J. Sap interview at The New York Times International Edition (Kathimerini EN) Forums’ impact to the region”

On May 25th & 26th in Serres, Greece, the Balkans & Black Sea Cooperation Forum unfolds 42 international actors who will be shaping the entrepreneurial near-future of the Balkans & Black Sea region by bringing forward the geopolitical importance, recognizing challenges and identifying opportunities for untapped business and trading.

See the full article here

H προετοιμασία της ομάδας των Εθελοντών για την διεξαγωγή του Forum στις Σέρρες

Στην τελική ευθεία εισέρχονται οι προετοιμασίες της Περιφερειακής Ενότητας Σερρών και του Geo Routes Cultural Institute για το «Balkans & Black SeaCooperation Forum», που θα κάνει την πόλη των Σερρών σημείο αναφοράς στις 25-26 Μαΐου 2017.

Στο πλαίσιο της πυρετώδους προετοιμασίας, το διήμερο 8 & 9 Απριλίου ήταν αφιερωμένο στην αναλυτική ενημέρωση της πολυπληθούς ομάδας των εθελοντών που θα συμμετάσχουν στο μεγάλο αυτό εγχείρημα.

Το Σάββατο 8 Απριλίου ο Αντιπεριφερειάρχης Σερρών κ.Γιάννης Μωυσιάδης υποδέχτηκε τους εθελοντές στην αίθουσα «Κων/νος Καραμανλής» του Διοικητηρίου, τους ευχαρίστησε θερμά για την απόφασή τους να στηρίξουν δυναμικά την μεγάλη προσπάθεια που καταβάλει η τοπική κοινωνία για την επιτυχία της διοργάνωσης και επανέλαβε τα οφέλη του Forum τόσο για την ίδια την περιοχή, όσο και για τους ίδιους ατομικά. Τόνισε μάλιστα ότι οι Σέρρες θα βρεθούν στο προσκήνιο της δημοσιότητας κατά τη διεξαγωγή του συνεδρίου και χαρακτήρισε εμπειρία ζωής αυτό που θα βιώσουν οι εθελοντές.

Ο Πρόεδρος του Geo Routes Cultural Institute κ. Γιάννης Μπαλακάκης προχώρησε σε εκτενή ενημέρωση των εθελοντών σχετικά με τους τομείς της διοργάνωσης, τις αρμοδιότητες που θα αναλάβουν τις ημέρες του forum, υπογραμμίζοντας με νόημα ότι οι εθελοντές θα αποτελέσουν την ψυχή του συνεδρίου γι’ αυτό και η άρτια κατάρτισή τους αποτελεί βασική μέριμνα των συνδιοργανωτών.

Ακολούθως , η ομάδα του Geo Routes και της Π.Ε. Σερρών συνόδευσαν τους εθελοντές σε όλα τα σημεία που σχετίζονται με το forum, όπως το θέατρο «Αστέρια» το οποίο θα φιλοξενήσει τις εργασίες του συνεδρίου, την πλατεία Ελευθερίας που θα αποτελέσει το Business HUB, την οδό Μεραρχίας, και σε όλα τα ξενοδοχεία όπου θα καταλύσουν οι σύνεδροι. Την Κυριακή η ενημέρωση αφορούσε εξειδικευμένα τον κάθε τομέα της διοργάνωσης και των αναλυτικών καθηκόντων των εθελοντών.

Αξίζει να σημειωθεί το ενδιαφέρον με το οποίο οι εθελοντές έχουν αγκαλιάσει το «Balkans & Black Sea Cooperation Forum» , το υψηλό τους επίπεδο και η απεριόριστη διάθεση προσφοράς και συνεργασίας για την ανάδειξη των Σερρών.

Official Presentation to the Accredited Diplomatic Missions in Greece

Balkans & Black Sea Cooperation Forum official presentation to the Accredited Diplomatic Missions and Organizations in Greece has been concluded on Tuesday March 28th 2017 at King George Hotel in Athens.

The presentation was attended by 45 Diplomatic Missions that have been represented by 60 Diplomats (15 at Ambassadors’ level).

The Presentation was delivered by:

a) Mr. Ioannis Moisiadis
Governor | Regional Unit of Serres
Member Steering Committee | Balkans & Black Sea Cooperation Forum

b) Mrs. Siwarde J SAP
Senior Advisor Economic Affairs | Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands
Member Steering Committee | Balkans & Black Sea Cooperation Forum

c) Mr. Giannis Balakakis
President | Geo Routes Cultural Institute
Chair Organizing Committee | Balkans & Black Sea Cooperation Forum


Giannis Balakakis has provided technical information on the Forum including the Aim, the Scope, the Agenda & Speakers, the Deliverables, as well the Hosting City, the Honorary Countries and the process of candidacies about a country will be hosting the Forum on 2018.

The day was concluded with a networking Cocktail Reception, courtesy of King George Hotel


About the Balkans & Black Sea Cooperation Forum:

The Balkans & Black Sea Cooperation Forum© aims at highlighting cross‐border cooperation, enhancing bilateral and multilateral relations, strengthening business opportunities and promoting economic growth and sustainable development among the states of the Balkans and Black Sea region. At the cross section of public & business sectors, the Forum stands as a think-tank to outline the current situation, quote political indicators, navigate to growth and cooperation and monitor perspectives and SDGs towards 2030.

Rotating annually in a different country of the region, Forum is addressed to Senior Officials from the EU, the Balkans and the Black Sea Bodies & Institutions, International Organizations, Public Officials, Diplomats, Businesses, Entrepreneurs and Academia, whilst providing a Business HUB and a Cultural Zone to promote the tourist & cultural identity  of two Honorary Countries.


AMNA: Serres to host 1st Balkans and Black Sea Cooperation Forum (BBSF) on May 25-26

The city of Serres in northeastern Greece, the second-largest city in the province of Macedonia after Thessaloniki, is to host the first-ever Balkans and Black Sea Forum (BBSF) on May 25-26.
The forum will be attended by EU officials, representatives of Balkan and Black Sea organisations and institutions, international organisations, diplomats, business leaders and members of the academic community, who will discuss a series of crucial issues at the forefront of international current affairs.

The organisation of the conference will be handled by Geo Routes Cultural Institute (GRCI), operating under the aegis and with the support of international organisations in Europe and the Black Sea regions – such as the Black Sea Economic Cooperation (BSEC), the Black Sea Trade and Development Bank (BSTDB), the European Banking Federation (EBF) and the Conference of Peripheral Maritime Regions (CPMR) – acting in collaboration with the Serres Regional Section.
GRCI head Yiannis Balakakis noted that the forum is a new initiative that is starting in Greece and aims to boost cross-border cooperation and promote bilateral and multilateral relations, as well as economic ties and sustainable economic growth, between the 17 countries in the region.
The main theme of the 2017 BBSF will be “Cultural Tourism, a key to Sustainable Growth” in line with the UN resolution naming 2017 as International Year of Sustainable Tourism for Development. The forum will take place annually, at a different location each year, with tributes to two countries each year.

The Athens-Macedonian News Agency (ANA) is a sponsor of the Balkans and Black Sea Cooperation Forum. The countries participating include Azerbaijan, Albania, Armenia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Georgia, Greece, Croatia, Moldova, Montenegro, Ukraine, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Slovenia and Turkey.

On May 2017 the biggest ever Forum in Balkans & Black Sea

An exceptional initiative from Geo Routes Cultural Institute with regards to the organization of the international conference Balkans & Black Sea Cooperation Forum© launched last week.

The «Balkans & Black Sea Cooperation Forum» is an international conference which will be held at Serres | Central Macedonia | Greece on 25-26 May 2017 aiming at highlighting cross‐border cooperation, enhancing bilateral and multilateral relations, strengthening business opportunities and promoting economic growth and sustainable development among the 17 States of the Balkan and Black Sea Region.

Devoted to the task, Geo Routes in cooperation with the Regional Unit of Serres have taken all provisions in order to deliver a hi-end Forum and provide a warm hospitality to that great gathering of delegates from the Balkans, Black Sea and other visitors. Forums’ official announcement took place in Serres, where the Vice Governor of Serres Mr. Yiannis Moisiadis and the President of Geo Routes Cultural Institute Mr. Giannis Balakakis held a formal press conference for distributing information to the media about the nature, the size, the scope and the importance of the event that will be hosted at Serres on May 2017.

«It concerns a very important event for Serres which came to be materialized further to the excellent cooperation established with Geo Routes Cultural Institute, upon the Cultural Heritage Journeys of our Region assigned and delivered by Geo Routes» said the Vice Governor Mr. Moisiadis; and he added that «we strongly believe that the Forum will promote Serres worldwide and will facilitate to the cross border cooperation desired by the countries of that region». Additionally Mr. Moisiadis has pointed the importance of the visit to Serres of the Ambassador Michael B. Christides, Secretary General of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation (BSEC) on Thursday November 17th, in order to be informed of the progress and to salute the Organizors for the outstanding performance over the multiple facades of the event.

Giannis Balakakis, President of the Geo Routes Cultural Institute stated that «such prominent international Forum this year will be highlighting Serres and sets hi-standards for the next hosting country», and emphasized the major pillars of the conference, which are stability, growth and cooperation. Moreover he has addressed call for participation to volunteers of the local society who can play leading role towards the hospitality and the overall event organization.


About the «Balkans & Black Sea Cooperation Forum»

The Balkans & Black Sea Cooperation Forum© is an international conference which will be held at Serres | Central Macedonia | Greece on 25-26 May 2017 aiming at highlighting cross‐border cooperation, enhancing bilateral and multilateral relations, strengthening business opportunities and promoting economic growth and sustainable development among the 17 States of the Balkan and Black Sea Region.

Participants shall be Senior Officials from the EU, the Balkans and the Black Sea Bodies & Institutions, Officials from International organizations, public officials, diplomats, businesses, entrepreneurs and academia, whose the mix of attendance is forecasted to be 50% from the private sector, 25% from the Public and Governmental and 25% from the NGOs and Institutional sectors.

Sessions will cover 7 topics:

a) EU Balkans & Black Sea Perspectives and SDGs 2030
b) Roads of Energy,
c) Digital Economy & Innovation,
d) Women in leadership,
e) Agriculture & Environment,
f) Maritime, Transportation, Infrastructures & Hubs,
g) Cultural & Sustainable Tourism.

On 2017 its headline will be “Cultural Tourism | a key to Sustainable Development” aligned with UN resolution (A/C.2/ 70/L.5/Rev.1 of 4/12/2015) that has adopted 2017 as the International Year of Sustainable Tourism for Development.

Annually held at a different State of the region, the Forum will also provide a Business HUB as exhibiting zone for organizations to promote their business activities and a Cultural Zone for 2 honorary countries to showcase their cultural heritage, which both will be open to the public areas. To such comprehensive organization, Balkans & Black Sea Cooperation Forum© constitutes an excellent opportunity for its sponsors, contributors and supporters to strengthen their outreach, to influence issues related to the business and economic environment and to explore challenges and possibilities while exchanging views with experts and influencers from the EU, the Balkans and the Black Sea Bodies & Corporations, Entrepreneurs and other International representatives.

The Forum is organized by Geo Routes Cultural Institute and shall be under the auspices, the support and the cooperation of several European and Black Sea Organizations. Forum’s organization consists of the Organizing, the Steering, the Scientific, the Advisory Committees and 7 Working Groups, those of Diplomatic, Hospitality, Speakers, Communications, Staffing, Venue and Administration Management, relying substantially on the kind contribution of a significant group of volunteers. This structure undertakes all tasks necessary as to welcome the 500 delegates expected to be at Serres in May 2017 and to deliver a hi-end result to the audience and the public.

States of the Region the Balkans & Black Sea Cooperation Forum© is concerned (in alphabetical order): Albania – Armenia – Azerbaijan – Bosnia/Herzegovina – Bulgaria – Croatia – FYROM – Georgia – Greece (2017 hosting country) – Moldova – Montenegro – Romania – Russian Federation – Serbia – Slovenia – Turkey (Jan 2017 Presidency BSEC) – Ukraine (July 2017 Presidency BSEC).